
Just Like A Phoenix.. I Rise from The Ashes of Failure...

TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus - A Good Pal For You...

Uh Uh.. Banyak Software yang berguna bagi semua Owg Especially budak2 Skola... I suggest Software ini... sebab i gunakan software ini untuk MUET.. n semua Assignment i... dan merupakan Software Yang dapat membantu korang dalam memperbaiki ENGLISH LINGUAL PROFICIENCY korang...

Internet Download Manager v6.04 Build 2.rar - Working For Firefox 4.0

Hmmm... Firefox 4.0 mmg Best.. Tetapi it incompatible ngan IDM V5.00 ke bawah.. n Susah untuk Cari IDM V6.00++ yang adew Crack.. So Here it Is...

PrimoPDF - Rakan Baik Untuk Anda..

PrimoPDF.. merupakan PDF converter yang terbaik pernah i Guna.. Seriously.. it Memang berguna... untuk convert fail Words, Excel or mcm2 lagi untuk kegunaan korang.. ia mudah n senang... Trust me...

Quinoa - Your Solution For Slimness...

Quinoa adalah sejenis Bijirin dan makanan ruji kaum kuno Inca di Amerika Selatan. Ia adalah sejenis biji jenis chenopodium dari pokok quinoa. Ia dikategorikan sebagai pseudo bijirin kerana pokoknya bukan dari jenis lalang seperti padi, gandum atau barli tapi dari jenis tumbuhan yang menyerupai pokok bayam.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Marimos : Little Earth Buddy...

Courtesy of Andy0625 From

Cladophora Aegagropila Marimo Moss Ball

Scientific name: Cladophora aegagropila
Common names: Moss ball, Japanese moss ball, Marimo ball
Family: Cladophorales
Maximum size: 4 to 12-inch diameter.
Light needed: Moderate to High (2-3 watts/gallon)
Water conditions: pH 6.8-7.5, 72-82° F, KH 3-8
Hardiness: Easy as long as it has good light
Growth rate: Slow
Propagation: Division of the ball
Distribution: Northern hemisphere

Additional Information

Here is an excellent and attractive addition to any freshwater tank. The Marimo ball, also known as Moss ball or Japanese moss ball is actually a filamentous green algae (Chlorophyta) found in a number of lakes in the northern hemisphere: Japan, United Kingdom, Russia, Iceland and Northern Europe.
In its natural habitat, the Marino ball is moved around by undercurrents and sink or rise in order to receive plenty of light to carry out photosynthesis.

It ranks among the strangest plant on Earth and has been granted the status of National Treasure in Japan. In Iceland it is believed that taking good care of the plant will “make your wishes come true”.

Domestic Marimo can be grown in tap water at room temperature and be given small amounts of liquid fertilizer with half water changes on a weekly basis. The amount of light it needs varies from source to source. Some places say this plant needs high light while others say it requires little more than ambient light.

They "reproduce" when a bump forms on a Marimo and it falls off and gets pushed around until it forms the round shape. If you don't want to wait for that you can tear it apart. You can clean your Marimo by dipping it in water and gently squeezing like you would a dirty sponge.

Marimos balls develop their characteristically round shape because water currents push them around the bottom of lake beds. This algae is free floating so you don’t need a substrat in your tank. As it is photosynthetic, it will float or sink in response to light. The oxygen they produce makes them lighter so they rise to the top. To make them sink again, just squeeze the air out.

Marimos are mistakenly referred to as “moss balls” but they’re really a species of filamentous algae. If you’re looking for a fun “plant” to add to your indoor garden collection I highly recommend buying and growing a Marimo. They’re interesting little creatures that may not do much at first glance, but once you’ve had one around for a while you’ll see that it is very much a living thing. Sometimes Marimos floats and even in a cramped aquarium its moves around, either inching towards the light from the windows during cloudy days, or away from the light on very bright days.

Some aquarist have created quite unique landscapes using Marimos balls attached on wood or as a substrate cover. An easy way to do this is to open them up with your fingers and attach them to whatever you want with fishing line. They can be attached to small rocks to cover the substrate or they can be attached to roots. Just use your imagination.

Here some of their Fantastic Picture and Videos...

Courtesy of Andy0625 From  

Three Awesome Pictures Courtesy of Mevoxede From  

Awesome Video Courtesy of Mevoxede From

Two Awesome Pictures Courtesy of alex_cyw1985 From  

Awesome Picture Courtesy of  xecton From   

Here a good place to start your Hobby...

And Place For You To Buy These Awesome Marimos...



"Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises. "
Pedro Calderon de la Barca.

Monday, June 13, 2011

How To Go Green.. It Simple As ABC...


How can you go green at home? Here are 10 simple steps to green up your life and change the planet...

1. Buy Only What You Need

  • Plain and simple—don’t over purchase.
  • However, when buying items that you use daily or in large quantities, consider buying in bulk. You will save money and packaging. Consider splitting bulk purchases with neighbors or friends to get that savings but not the full quantity of the purchase. Sometimes we can’t always use 50 rolls of toilet paper!

2. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!

  • Remodeling? Don’t forget to look for recycling and reuse programs for your household items—windows, doors, tile, etc. New technology has enabled some companies to recycle old porcelain toilets and tubs into beautiful counter tops and tile.
  • Don’t forget the last step in the recycling loop—buy recycled! In order for recycling to be sustainable, we need to purchase recycled-content materials! Look for and purchase post-consumer recycled content packaging and products whenever possible.

3. Change a Light, Change the World

  • When your incandescent light bulbs stop working, replace them with the new, energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CFLs use 2/3 less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs and last 10 times longer. Making this switch will save you money and energy.
  • Some incandescent light bulbs may contain mercury, so remember to dispose of both properly at your local household hazardous waste facility.
  • Take the U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR pledge to save energy and help reduce the risks of global climate change by replacing at least one light in your home with an ENERGY STAR qualified one.

4. Bag It Up the Green Way

  • Plastic bags are getting the “thumbs down” in several communities around the country because of litter problems. When going to the store, consider bagging your own groceries in cloth, reusable bags. Many stores sell reusable bags and charge to provide plastic grocery bags.
  • When walking your dog and cleaning up after then, use a biodegradable bag rather than a plastic bag.
  • If you decide to use plastic bags, remember to recycle them. Thousands of locations are available across the country.

5. Green Your Gadgets

Electronics become “outdated” so much more quickly than 10 or 20 years ago. To insure you are responsible with your gadgets, consider doing the following:
  • Resist the urge to upgrade every time a “newer” or “cooler” gadget comes out. Reduce at the source—you save money and the time (and frustration) to learn how to operate and program the new gadget.
  • Donate working electronics to charities or school programs resell or refurbish them.
  • Completely broken? Recycle! Electronics are the new “hot” item being recycled across the country.
  • Refill or recycle your inkjet or toner cartridges.
  • Close the recycling loop and buy recycled, post-consumer content paper for your printer. Most local office supply stores, such as Staples, offer a growing selection of environmentally friendly papers.
  • Keep in mind even computer game equipment and iPods now have reuse and recycling programs available.

6. Make Every Drop Count

Even though 70 percent of the world is covered by water, we should conserve all that we can. Here are some quick tips to save that last drop:
  • Turn off the water faucet when brushing your teeth.
  • Use your dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full. Try to avoid small, partial loads.
  • Compost food scraps instead of using your garbage disposal. You’ll save gallons of water every time and have a great soil amendment for your garden.
  • Clean your driveway or sidewalk with a broom instead of hosing it down with water. You’ll save at least 80 gallons of water every time.
  • Don’t use running water to thaw food.

7. Turn Up the Savings

  • A few degrees can make all the difference in your energy savings and your wallet. In the summer raise your thermostat two degrees. In the winter lower your thermostat two degrees. You probably won’t notice the difference, at least until your utility bill arrives!
  • Use a ceiling fan to cool off a room or house. It consumes as little energy as a 60-watt bulb, which is about 98 percent less energy than most central air conditioners.
  • Install a programmable thermostat to better regulate the temperature in your house through the day and night. Remember to recycle your old, mercury containing thermostats.
  • When replacing an appliance, be sure to look for one that is more energy efficient. Always look for the ENERGY STAR symbol and compare water and energy usage to ensure you get the best product and environmental savings to suit your needs.

8. Clear the Air

  • Carpool, ride the bus, use public transportation or bike to work
  • Telecommute. Employee productivity will increase.
  • Trip chain! Save fuel and time by planning ahead and consolidating trips into one trip. Also, vow to only go to certain, far away stores less frequently.
  • Keep your tires inflated to the appropriate air pressure level. This will extend the life of your tires and give you better gas mileage.
  • Drive the speed limit.
  • Service your car on a regular basis per the manufacturer guidelines.
  • In the market for a new car? Consider one of the new hybrid or fuel efficient vehicles.

9. Save A Tree

  • Save paper, time and postage, and pay your bills online.
  • As the price of paper cards and postage increases, consider e-mailing e-cards.
  • When printing documents, print on both sides of paper. You can cut your paper consumption almost in half.
  • E-mail documents and information instead of printing and mailing them.
  • Save documents on your computer or on a disk instead of in a print copy in your filing cabinet. You’ll free up lots of space.

10. Home Sweet Home

  • Clotheslines are making a comeback. Dry your clothes on the line instead of in the dryer. They will smell better, and you will save money.
  • Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins. They can be used over and over again and thrown in with your weekly load of towels.
  • Make your own less toxic cleaning alternatives using baking soda, soap and vinegar.
  • When repainting a room, be sure to look for paint that is low VOC (volatile organic compounds). 
  •  Several manufacturers now offer VOC paints and they don’t leave that paint fume smell.
  • Open the doors and windows to let the fresh air in! Indoor air quality is often times worse than the air outside. Open doors and windows daily to circulate fresh air in and germs and smells out. 

Like A Wise Man Said.. A Small Change Would Change a Whole World To Become A Better Place...

    Wednesday, June 8, 2011

    New species discovered in Madagascar

    Just one word to described it.. Beautiful... The Mother Give us A Lush Forest... Not To Destroy it But To Discovers It WONDER...

    Recently Scientist discovers and have uncovered a parade of 615 new species — from the colorful and cuddly to the downright bizarre in Madagascar.

    Berthe’s Mouse Lemur
    Image Credit: Harald Schuetz, WWF Madagascar

    From the world's smallest primate, Berthe’s mouse lemur, a creature teeny enough to perch inside a shot glass at 3.5 inches tall and weighing in at just an ounce, to a lizard that wears a tree-bark disguise are among the standouts of the hundreds of species to debut, all compiled in a new report from the conservation organization WWF. 

    "All the species are so special, and many are unique to Madagascar," Ratsifandrihamanana, WWF Madagascar's conservation director, told OurAmazingPlanet. "They don't exist anywhere else in the world."

    Treasure trove of species 

    The island's treasure trove of unique species stems from its relative isolation. Madagascar has been separated from Africa and the Indian subcontinent for the last 80 million to 100 million years, allowing its plant and animal residents to evolve into fantastical forms. About 70 percent of its species are unseen anywhere else on the planet.

    In total over the last 12 years, researchers have identified 17 fish, 41 mammals, 61 reptiles, 69 amphibians, 42 invertebrates and 385 plants new to science since 1999. And the pace of discovery shows no signs of slowing.

    In fact, because of growing scientific interest in Madagascar's denizens, and thanks to technological advances that allow for faster identification, such as DNA coding, Ratsifandrihamanana said the onslaught of new species described could continue or even increase.
    But the news isn't all good.

    "The sad part is that there could be many species that will disappear before they are discovered," she said.
    Many of the creatures discovered are already endangered and are losing habitat quickly.

    Disappearing forests 

    Madagascar's forests, home to many of its unique species, were cleared at a rate of about 2 percent a year from 1950 to 1990. According to WWF, the island has lost 90 percent of its original forest cover.
    That's because humans depend on the island's forests, too. About 80 percent of the Malagasy population uses wood as its main source of energy.
    In addition, large swaths of forest are cleared for subsistence farming.

    Although Ratsifandrihamanana said the rate of deforestation was cut in half from 1990 to 2005, the last year for which figures are available, she said it remains a serious problem.

    "We're really trying to empower local communities so they are better managers of the resources, because they are the ones who make the daily decisions for how they will use the forest," Ratsifandrihamanana said, adding that one major piece of the puzzle is improving the population's economic situation.

    The country is one of the poorest on the planet, and a 2009 coup further complicated the nation's already bleak financial situation. Since the political upheaval, international funding for the country's environmental program was cut off, and there's been an increase in trafficking in exotic animals and prized, rare trees.
    However, despite its troubles, Ratsifandrihamanana said WWF and other international organizations continue conservation efforts on a local level in Madagascar.

    "It's an extraordinary place," Ratsifandrihamanana said. "We need a lot of support now for the environment."

    Here is some of the WONDERFUL MADAGASCAR ANIMALS Pictures....

     Boophis Lilianae Tree frog
    Image Credit: Axel Strauss/WWF Madagascar

     Furcifer timoni Colorful chameleon
    Image Credit:Jöm Köhler/WWF Madagascar

     Boophis bottae Transparent Tree Frog
    Image Credit: Axel Strauss, WWF Madagascar

     The amazing cork bark leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus pietschmanni)
    Image Credit: Ben Smith/WWF Madagascar

     The bright pink snake (Liophidium pattoni).
    Image Credit: Ben Smith/WWF Madagascar

    "Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. "
    John Lubbock.

    Tuesday, June 7, 2011

    Meditation - Way to Tranqulize Ur Soul


    One of the best way to relax ur mind and soul, I love to Do it When i have A Free time, There is a Various Type of Meditation, but I love Lotus Pose Or Padmasana , it So relax  n easy to Learn it...



    Seated, lift each foot and cross onto each thigh. Try both sides.


    Helps with relaxation and calms the mind.

    Basics of Meditation:

    Meditation can be practiced in many different ways. While there are numerous different meditation techniques, a common thread runs through virtually all meditative techniques:
    • Quiet Mind: With meditation, your thinking mind becomes quiet. You stop focusing on the stressors of your day or your life’s problems, as well as solving these problems. You just let that voice in your head be quiet, which is easier said than done. For example, start thinking about nothing now. (It’s OK; I’ll wait.) If you’re not practiced at quieting your mind, it probably didn’t take long before thoughts crept in.
    • Being In The Now: Rather than focusing on the past or the future, virtually all meditative practices involve focusing on right now. This involves experiencing each moment and letting it go, experiencing the next. This, too, takes practice, as many of us live most of our lives thinking toward the future or relishing and rehashing the past.
    • Altered State of Consciousness: With time, maintaining a quiet mind and focus on the present can lead to an altered level of consciousness that isn’t a sleeping state but isn’t quite your average wakeful state, either. Meditation increases brain activity in an area of the brain associated with happiness and positive thoughts and emotions, and some evidence shows that regular practice brings prolonged positive changes in these areas.

      "Open my minds eye so I may see and feel Your shinning light presence close to me. Give me inner strength for my stumbling feet as I battle the crowd on life's busy street. And widen the vision of my unseeing minds eye so in passing faces I'll recognize not just a stranger, unloved, and unknown, but a friend with a heart and soul that is much like my own."

    Brother Bear Soundtrack Review - Mesti Dengar

    Hehe3.. i buat post ini after tengok cerita Brother Bear kat TV2 tadi.. n terus Google for their Soundtrack... Well... It memang So Heavenly Make... Setiap lagu yang digarap sangat menakjubkan.. Especially lagu Great Spirits yang menceritakan about Everyone is The Same... Sama rata n adalah Saudara.. Nice... I suka dengar nyew.. And i minat The Heavenly Coir of Hymn From Native Tongue for lagu Transformation it memang So FOLK n as Folk Song lover.. I love it too...

    BTW.. These is The Track Listing..

    Track listing

    1. "Look Through My Eyes" - Phil Collins – 4:01
    2. "Great Spirits" - Tina Turner – 3:23
    3. "Welcome"* - Phil Collins – 3:38
    4. "No Way Out" (Theme from Brother Bear) (Single Version) - Phil Collins – 4:18
    5. "Transformation" - The Bulgarian Women's Choir – 2:29
    6. "On My Way" - Phil Collins – 3:40
    7. "Welcome" - The Blind Boys of Alabama and Phil Collins with Oren Waters – 3:14
    8. "No Way Out" (Theme from Brother Bear) - Phil Collins – 2:37
    9. "Transformation" - Phil Collins – 2:26
    10. "Three Brothers" (Score) – 6:44
    11. "Awakes as a Bear" (Score) – 6:48
    12. "Wilderness of Danger and Beauty" (Score) – 5:32
    Seriously.. if U will love The Soundtrack...

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    Quinoa - Your Solution For Slimness...


    Quinoa adalah sejenis Bijirin dan makanan ruji kaum kuno Inca di Amerika Selatan. Ia adalah sejenis biji jenis chenopodium dari pokok quinoa. Ia dikategorikan sebagai pseudo bijirin kerana pokoknya bukan dari jenis lalang seperti padi, gandum atau barli tapi dari jenis tumbuhan yang menyerupai pokok bayam.

    Quinoa sangat dihargai kerana nilai  kandungan proteinnya sangat tinggi(12% -18%). Tidak seperti gandum atau beras (yang rendah lisin), dan seperti gandum, quinoa mengandungi kumpulan asid amino yang seimbang yang sangat penting untuk manusia, menjadikannya sebagai sumber protein yang luar biasa lengkap antara makanan nabati (makanan dari tumbuhan). Quinoa merupakan sumber yang kaya dengan serat,  zat fosforus, zat magnesium dan zat besi. Quinoa tidak mengandungi gluten dan ia  mudah dicerna.

    Beza antara beras dan quinoa

    Kalau dibandingkan beras perang dengan quinoa, untuk kuantiti hidangan yang sama:
    Kalori: 140
    Serat/fiber : 1 g
    Protein : 3 g

    Kalori : 160
    Serat/fiber : 6.5 g
    Protein: 6 g

    Bukan sahaja quinoa  kaya dengan serat tapi ia mempunyai kualiti protein yang tinggi dengan kumpulan asid amino yang cukup lengkap.

    Penyediaan Quinoa

    Quinoa mentah mengandungi saponin pada kulitnya dan ini memberikannya rasa sedikit pahit apabila dimakan. Kandungan saponin ini dapat menghindarkan quinoa dari dimakan burung semasa peringkat penanaman. Quinoa mempunyai tekstur dan rasa yang ringan, ia mengembang saat dimasak, menjadikannya sesuai sebagai alternatif untuk beras putih atau couscous.

    Langkah pertama dalam mempersiapkan quinoa adalah membuang saponin. Saponin kelihatan seperti buih sabun apabila terkena air.  Proses ini memerlukan biji quinoa direndam dalam air selama beberapa jam dan membilasnya dengan air lalu yang cukup dalam penapis halus sehingga buihnya hilang.  Pembuangan  saponin membantu pencernaan, sifat sabun sebatian membuatnya bertindak sebagai ubat cuci perut. Kebanyakan  quinoa yang dipakejkan telah pra-dibilas untuk kemudahan kita.

    Kaedah memasak quinoa adalah sama seperti memasak nasi, iaitu menggunakan sukatan dua cawan air mendidih untuk satu cawan quinoa. Quinoa perlu dididihkan pada suhu rendah dan dimasak selama 14-18 minit atau hingga kulit terpisah dari biji seperti ekor yang sangat halus. Quinoa yang sudah dimasak kelihatan seperti ikan kecil. Sebagai alternatif, kita boleh juga menggunakan rice cooker untuk memasak quinoa, sebagaimana memasak  nasi putih.

    Di mana nak dapatkan Quinoa di Malaysia?

    Biasa boleh didapati di kedai2 yang menjual makanan organik... tetapi ia boleh didapati secara online di beberapa online shop seperti di .

    di sini i listkan Beberapa Product Quinoa yang boleh didapati di :

    Quinoa Grains (terdapat Produk lain di  kategori ini ) - Quinoa Grains

    Quinoa Flakes - Quinoa Flakes

    Quinoa Noodles - Quinoa Noodles 

    Semua Product yang i listkan adalah Organic and HALAL... jadi jangan risau... Go Green...

    Sumber :

    PrimoPDF - Rakan Baik Untuk Anda..

    PrimoPDF.. merupakan PDF converter yang terbaik pernah i Guna.. Seriously.. it Memang berguna... untuk convert fail Words, Excel or mcm2 lagi untuk kegunaan korang.. ia mudah n senang... Trust me...


    *Sebelum install, pastikan anda activekan Printer Spooler Service, cara activekannya ialah..

     - clicking on the start button -> run -> typing "services.msc". Then you will found "Printer Spooler service" and set it to automatic and started the service. 

    Internet Download Manager v6.04 Build 2.rar - Working For Firefox 4.0

    Hmmm... Firefox 4.0 mmg Best.. Tetapi it incompatible ngan IDM V5.00 ke bawah.. n Susah untuk Cari IDM V6.00++ yang adew Crack.. So Here it Is...

    BTW.. if Korang belom update Firefox korang.. Update it..!!! coz.. mmg laju n Smooth jew diew nyew loding.. n interface yang sempoi... Untok Download Firefox 4.0.. Click link Below...


    *pastikan ada mempunyai Winrar, jika tiada sila download di sini  DOWNLOAD HERE
    *pastikan anda matikan untuk sementara Waktu Antivirus anda semasa Extract Files dari Winrar, Kerana Antivirus meanggap Patch yang ada bersama dengan IDM itu adalah Virus, walaupown it not A VIRUS...

    TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus - A Good Pal For You...

    Uh Uh.. Banyak Software yang berguna bagi semua Owg Especially budak2 Skola... I suggest Software ini... sebab i gunakan software ini untuk MUET.. n semua Assignment i... dan merupakan Software Yang dapat membantu korang dalam memperbaiki ENGLISH LINGUAL PROFICIENCY korang..

    TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus

    Feature List

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    Some of the most interesting characteristics of TheSage are:

     Features  Description
    Comprehensive Dictionary Multiple detailed definitions (+210,000)
    Complete Thesaurus Nearly 1,400,000 relationships between definitions (synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms,...)
    Example Sentences A large collection that already includes approximately 50,000 examples of usage.
    Pronunciations +70,000 phonetic transcriptions.
    System Integration One-click lookup from most applications.
    Information Integration Each definition has its own specific thesaurus.
    Cross-Referencing Any and all displayed words are clickable, triggering a new lookup.
    Wildcard Search Match single/multiple characters as well as filter by single/groups of vowels and consonants.
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    Just Like A Phoenix.. I Rise from The Ashes of Failure... 

    My Blog Will Now Focus On Yoga, Healthy Life, Mystery Of The World, Tweaks, Useful Software and So on..

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